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The power of prayer is the belief in the ability of sincere and focused communication with a higher power or divine entity to bring about positive changes, comfort, guidance, or blessings in one's life. It is a deeply personal and spiritual practice found in various religions and belief systems worldwide. Through prayer, individuals seek to express gratitude, seek help, ask for forgiveness, find solace in times of hardship, and connect with a transcendent force. The power of prayer lies in its potential to foster a sense of hope, peace, and inner transformation, providing a channel for individuals to align their intentions with a greater purpose beyond themselves. While the outcomes of prayer may vary, the act of prayer itself can offer strength and a sense of connection to something greater than the self.


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I signed up for She Prays PureCoaching sessions and they were very impactful and necessary tools, I needed along my healing journey! It is very rewarding, comforting, and supportive to have my coach literally hold my hand and reassure me along the journey. It's a process I'm so appreciative of her level of patience in assisting me in growing! Healing is definitely a lifetime journey and it takes real effort! My inner work homework assignments have helped me target two things already "being honest with myself" and"forgiveness"! This has allowed transformation in my family relationship and allowed me to release a lot of trauma! Asante Sana for being an amazing coach! You are truly the light in some of the darkest days! Having a coach that has so much light has restored my light and now I'm able to create again, have functional relationships, and I've successfully continued on my path of following my calling.
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